I've never been very interested in art, and for the most part, I'm indifferent about art museums. I don't hate 'em, I don't love 'em. I'm just kind of "meh". On Tuesday, I chaperoned a group of Russian exchange students to the Minneapolis Institute of Arts. I took pictures of a few paintings and stuff that caught my eye. Unfortunately, there is no flash photography, and my camera kind of sucks. Also, I neglected to write down the actual titles and artists of these paintings.

For some reason, this painting just screams Germany to me, but I don't know why. I also thin the artist was Asian.
This painting reminds me of the Bob Ross thing on Family Guy. It's hard to see, but in the lower mid to center right of the painting, there's kind little tunnel.
Tatra T87.
(Unlike my brother, I don't feel dirty at all using Wikipedia as a source.)
Old Evenrude, I think.
They have a new exhibition of "San Francisco Psychadelic". One of the galleries is of photographs, and the other is of concert posters.
This is by far my favorite painting in the museum.
"Frank", by Chuck Close. I really like this guy's paintings, and the details are almost unbelievable. If you haven't been to either the Minneapolis Institute of Arts, or the Walker Art Center to see one of his other big paintings, "Big Self Portrait", you need to. Plus, aside from gas money, going to the MIA is absolutely free.
(Unlike my brother, I don't feel dirty at all using Wikipedia as a source.)
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