Grumman Guardian control-line model


One of the coolest things I got to see was the Golden Wings Air Museum. It's usually not open to the public, but it is this weekend.

Waco CUC-1

Cunningham-Hall PT-6F, one of six ever built and the only complete one left

Keystone K-84 Commuter

Aeronca C-3

Fleetwings Seabird

Taylor Aerocar

Aerocar interior

Stearman YPT-9

Avro Avian
One of the biggest draws of the museum is that the guy owns five different kinds of tri-motors:

Kreutzer Air Coach K-5, the only surviving Kreutzer tri-motor

Stinson SM-6000-B, the oldest surviving American Airlines airliner

Stinson Model A, the only surviving low-wing tri-motor Stinson

This Ford Tri-Motor is the oldest surviving one, and it has been flown by both Charles Lindbergh and Amelia Earhart.

So what do you do when your Ford Tri-Motor becomes all old and busted? You turn it into the new hotness, a Bushmaster 2000, a re-engineered and re-engined Ford.
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