So I was sitting here in my room studying for my American Government final, when a really good thunderstorm started. It's been raining for the majority of the past two days. So as I was studying, I heard a noise, and I assumed that it was water coming in through the window. So I closed my window, but I felt water dripping
THE TOP OF MY HEAD. So I looked up and saw a single, solitary drop of water on the ceiling. I just barely brushed it, and a small torrent of foul smelling brown water poured onto my head.
Then I noticed that there was another drop of water on my ceiling, so I grabbed my towel bar and jabbed it (you can see it down and to the left of the original hole).

Flood Control.
I think I'm going to stop poking holes in my ceiling for a while, as it is still raining pretty good outside.
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